The Hindu (
Beautiful and fair — words traditionally synonymous with brides — are
being used for renting a womb. For, not only are “healthy, beautiful,
fair and higher caste or Brahmin’’ surrogates in great demand, they also
receive good payment in cash and kind from the commissioning parents
after delivery.
Doctors and agents have confirmed — in a study by Sama, a Delhi-based
resource group working on women’s and health issues — that there were
preferred criteria set by the commissioning parents, such as ‘higher
caste,’ Brahmins and a particular religion, often directed by their own
identity. Commissioning parents shower gifts on surrogate mothers for
producing healthy and good-looking babies.
Recruitment of surrogates is largely carried out by local surrogacy
agents or corporate surrogacy consultants. In some situations, the women
approached the clinics and fertility centre directly, following
information from acquaintances and neighbours.
“Though the unregulated surrogacy industry in India is booming, there
hasn’t been a comprehensive, simultaneous civil society response to the
practice. As such, the practice of commercial surrogacy in India raises
several concerns, requiring a significant gap to be filled in the
advocacy for the health and rights of women who choose to be surrogates
and egg donors,’’ remark N. Sarojini and Tarang Mahajan of Sama.
In the
Indian context, want of regulation, comparatively lower cost with regard
to many of the developed countries that allow surrogacy, less waiting
time, possibility of close monitoring of surrogates by the commissioning
couples, availability of a large pool of women willing to be
surrogates, and a good medical infrastructure have created a conducive
environment for the expansion of the industry, the study says.
The study was conducted in Delhi and Punjab between December 2011 and
April 2012. It found that surrogates had low levels of education, and
almost all had taken up low-paying informal, casual work.
Not informed
The information given to surrogates at the time of making the decision
to become surrogates was geared towards emphasising that no sexual
relations were involved in the process of conception, the altruistic
appeal of providing someone with the ‘greatest gift’ and that the sum of
money paid would be helpful for them. “The surrogates weren’t given
information regarding the various procedures conducted in the course of
treatment. No consent was taken regarding decisions such as multiple
embryo transfer, fetal reduction, caesarean section delivery and the
surrogates were simply informed that they would have to undergo these
procedures. Additionally, no information regarding possible effects on
health or risks was provided,” Ms. Sarojini said.
The necessity for the course the procedure takes is questionable, given
that many technologies are selected, guided by the concern to secure a
healthy child.
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